According to the International Coaching Federation, half of the coaches they surveyed in 2012 were earning less than $29k per year. After paying business expenses, that’s a pretty dismal amount! Especially since coaching is a BOOMING industry right now. What’s the deal? Well, it’s because most coach training school don’t teach you anything about how to actually run a successful coaching business and consistently land clients. Why not? Because their main job is to help you become a great coach, not to run a business. Even if you received *some* marketing or sales training in your coaching school, either way, ProCoach will provide you with a STRUCTURE to piece it all together and actually make it work for you. This means, you can STOP learning everything by trial and error, START doing exactly what works, and remove the stress and overwhelm out of creating a profitable business.
- Want to have full financial freedom by filling up your coaching practice with paying clients
- Have an important message to spread or passion to share and you’re eager to help people
- Are ready to take control of your life—set your own schedule & get paid to do what you love
- Are willing to do what it takes to succeed by learning the necessary marketing and selling techniques
- Are dedicated to stretching your comfort zone and taking some risks in order to fulfill your dream
- Are in this for the long-haul—there is no Plan B
ProCoach isn’t for every coach. If you’re just interested coaching as a fun hobby or have no desire to make money from it, that’s cool, we get it. BUT it means that what we do here (i.e. teaching you how to get more clients, make great money & skyrocket your confidence) probably isn’t going to be worth your time. No hard feelings though.
What does your report card look like? You know, the one you look at every month…your bank statement! How happy are you at the end of every month when you look at the amount of revenue you’re creating? What kind of lifestyle is your coaching income providing for you…the one you want, or something much less? How much longer can you afford to keep your practice open with your current earnings?
The truth is that there’s a direct correlation between your marketing and selling skills and your income. If you’re not making the income you desire, you have to take action to improve your marketing and sales. There are really no two ways about it…
To succeed as a full-time coach, you have engage new clients month after month. In a perfect world, this wouldn’t be a problem. You’re offering something that people desperately need…AND there are hundreds of people right now who would truly benefit from your services.
BUT in a non-perfect world (the world the majority of us live in), regularly getting new prospects to notice you and pay for your services can feel like an uphill battle. That is, no matter how skilled a coach you are, you’re still left struggling to build a thriving coaching business and make the income you desire.
Almost certainly, the answer is that you haven’t learned the secrets to successfully selling your coaching services! They didn’t teach you that in coaching school. Well, maybe they taught you bits and pieces, but obviously, that’s not working out for you (otherwise, you wouldn’t be here). But there’s good news!
Yep. Your struggles are over. (If you want them to be.) You don’t have to experience lack of revenue any more. You don’t have to experience that paralyzing fear you experience when it’s time to ask someone for an appointment or a sale.
Howdy! I’m Laurel Staples. I’m a health-coach-turned-marketing coach and founder of ProCoach. And I know exactly where you’re coming from right now if you’re struggling to grow your coaching business.
I had a rocky start when I started my business…
When I first started coaching, my naive I’ll-build-it-and-they’ll-come thinking wasn’t paying off like I thought it would. Fresh out of coaching school, I had the passion and know-how to help people, but clients were hard to come by. I felt like I was doing everything I could think to do to spread the word about my business, but I was still struggling. I wondered if I would everbe able to make a full-time living with coaching.
BUT I’ve come a LONG way…
I’ve gone from a broke and struggling coach to a successful and thriving coach…in a short amount of time. I’ve created my dream business and lifestyle. I work from home, hang out with my husband and dog, go hiking all the time, read books, cook yummy vegan food, set my own schedule, travel when I want to, spend time with friends, and I have the pleasure of working with amazing coaches across the world.
How did I do it? Well, it started when I was still a health coach. Only two years after graduating coaching school, I became the most sought-after health coach in my city. Pretty soon, other coaches began asking me, “How do you get so many clients?? How do you do your marketing? How did you build a full-time business?”
That’s when I began helping other coaches to market their businesses and noticed that they quickly started seeing great results, too. At this point, I knew I was onto something. A year later, I transitioned from health coaching to marketing coaching. That’s when the idea for ProCoach was born.
Since then, I’ve taught and inspired hundreds of coaches to succeed through learning specific marketing and selling techniques that bring your talents and services to a wider audience.
What I discovered is that it’s not just what you do to market and sell your coaching services, it’s HOW you do it. That is, it’s how you communicate the value of what you do. Once you learn how to effectively communicate with your target audience, YOUR COACHING BUSINESS WILL BEGIN TO FLOURISH. Things will start clicking into place. And you’ll wonder why you ever waited so long to learn the simple steps it takes to succeed in this business. That’s exactly what happened with me. But you have to take the first step to get started…
At ProCoach, You'll Discover How To...
- Easily and consistently land new clients
- Help more people and make a bigger difference in the world
- Effortlessly sell your services without feeling “icky” or “salesy”
- Double, triple, or even quadruple your income in a short amount of time
- Have more freedom and flexibility in your business/schedule without sacrificing income